Bookmarking in Firefox

2010年6月20日—Allbookmarksarestoredinafilenamedplaces.sqlite.Inordertoreachtothefilegotofollowingpath:C:-Users[YOUR_USER]-AppData ...,2019年10月3日—Thesearestoredinthebookmarkbackupsfolder.OpentheBookmarksManager;PresstheAltorF10keytobringuptheto...。參考影片的文章的如下:


firefox bookmarks folder path

2010年6月20日 — All bookmarks are stored in a file named places.sqlite. In order to reach to the file go to following path: C:-Users[YOUR_USER]-AppData ...

How can I find my bookmarks?

2019年10月3日 — These are stored in the bookmarkbackups folder. Open the Bookmarks Manager; Press the Alt or F10 key to bring up the toolbar, and select ...

Where is bookmark file on Mozilla Firefox for Windows 10

2020年11月2日 — Hi ToSt, bookmarks are stored together with history in a database file named places.sqlite in your currently active Firefox profile folder.


2023年8月3日 — Firefox stores your personal information and settings in a profile folder. Find out what is in your profile and how to locate it.

Bookmarks in Firefox

You can view and access all of your bookmarks from the Firefox Sidebar and from the Menu bar Bookmarks menu, if the Menu bar is enabled.

Where are bookmarks stored?

Your Bookmarks (and History) are stored in a single file, places.sqlite, in your Profile folder. To open your Profile folder, Help > Troubleshooting Information ...

How to view, add, or delete bookmarks in a Firefox browser

2020年3月5日 — Firefox bookmarks are stored in your Library, which can be accessed by clicking the Library shortcut icon or by opening the Settings menu. You ...


2010年6月20日—Allbookmarksarestoredinafilenamedplaces.sqlite.Inordertoreachtothefilegotofollowingpath:C:-Users[YOUR_USER]-AppData ...,2019年10月3日—Thesearestoredinthebookmarkbackupsfolder.OpentheBookmarksManager;PresstheAltorF10keytobringupthetoolbar,andselect ...,2020年11月2日—HiToSt,bookmarksarestoredtogetherwithhistoryinadatabasefilenamedplaces.sqliteinyourcurrentlyactiveFirefoxprofilefold...